About us

Mion Ventoltermica Depurazioni S.p.A., founded in 1968, is a market leader in the design, construction and installation of air suction and purification systems which remove dust, fumes, vapours and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), and an important point of reference in the field of waste and biomass treatment systems.
Our technical and sales departments are highly professional and flexible and can find the best solution for every customer, based on their specific needs and context of application, providing a full service, that is custom made and delivered in quick time.


Main Strenghts

  • Innovative and technologically-advanced techniques in air purification and environmental matters;
  • More than 55 years' experience in the design and execution of filtration and purification systems applied to many different industrial sectors;
  • Technical staff capable of giving advice on any environmental standards or rules, regarding air purification and waste treatment. This is true as regards Italian (national, regional and provincial) regulations and those in other countries, according to the customer's reference area;
  • Excellent value for money as regards our systems and the services we offer;
  • Flexibility in the execution and assembly of machinery and materials;
  • After-sales service with customer assistance throughout the country and abroad;
  • Renovation of existing facilities to bring them into line with new regulations, allowing you to save money and energy;
  • Installations in more than 40 countries;
  • International partnerships.
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